Sunday, March 17, 2013

Chapter 9

Tuesday Night Revelation Bible Study


Housecleaning:  Thanks again for all of the assistance with the Haiti Baby Kits. Kelly has picked up both the Baby and Medical Kits, and she wanted to extend a heartfelt thanks!! Several of you have asked about wanting to contribute for the cost of the baby kits. I will bring the receipts tomorrow so we can figure out the shared amounts for everyone.

Finally, the blog is caught up:) !! 

Questions for discussion chapter 9: 

1.  What is the life expectancy of a locust? Are the locust mentioned actual locusts, or something else?

2. This chapter has more occurrences of the words 'like' or 'as' then any other chapter in the Bible, why do you think this is? 

3. The opening verse mentions a falling star, but then mentions that keys were given to it a star, or something, someone else?

4. Are there believers on earth during this time?

5. Who are those that have God's mark on their foreheads?

6. Does any earthly army currently have two hundred million soldiers? 

7. What is it that those that don't believe, can't give up to follow the Lord. 

Recap of Chapter 9 (Chapter Notes and Background) -   to follow after group discussion completed.

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