Sunday, March 17, 2013

Chapter 7

Tuesday Night Revelation Bible Study


Housecleaning:  Thanks again for all of the assistance with the Haiti Baby Kits. Kelly has picked up both the Baby and Medical Kits, and she wanted to extend a heartfelt thanks!!

As you may of noticed I have not had a chance to update the blog…yet we have already discussed chapters 4 – 8. I am going to get us caught up…and will start a new blog entry for Chapter9. Thanks again, and hope this helps make these chapters a bit easier to understand.

Chapters 4 through 18 summarize the events that take place preceding the return of Jesus Christ. Not all of the events happen chronologically. As we discussed, it is important to note the words ‘like’ and ‘as’ as you read through these chapters. These two words help the reader understand John’s method of communicating ideas / events / concepts that he might not have the words to describe. Remember that John is giving a first hand exposition in terms of what he witnesses. These chapters can be scary, convicting and at times confusing, but the message is that Christ is returning in victory.

Recap of Chapter 7 (Chapter Notes and Background)

After reading chapter 6, it can be hard to imagine that anything good can come out of all this destruction. However, even today we can see examples of God still working to heal, save and redeem men and women out of horrible events. Columbine, Newtown, Oklahoma City Bombing, September 11, 2001- all of these events can immediately bring back memories of pain and suffering. Still, even through those horrible acts, we also capture glimpses of God’s grace and mercy extended to those immediately affected. God never stops communicating His love to His creation. The devil works to destroy, but God works to save.

Chapter 7 is also one of the most popular chapters in the Bible for false teachers / religions. Many false religions have tried to use some of the information in chapter 7 to prove that their religion is the only true religion. Jehovah Witnesses to this day believe the 144,000 witnesses mentioned, relate to only Jehovah Witness members. Yet, a cursory reading reveals that the central individuals in this chapter are not representative of the church, but in fact are Jewish converts to Christianity. 

Chapter 7 is an interlude between the seal judgements in chapter 6, and the seven trumpet judgements in chapter 8. Between chapters we see God seal 144,000 Jewish individuals for the purpose of witnessing to the world at large with the message of Jesus Christ.The interesting thing about the list of tribes in chapter 7, is that it differs from the list typically found in the Old Testament. 

“The tribe of Judah was usually first in such lists, as it is here, due to the
prophecies that it would lead the other tribes and that Messiah would come
from Judah (Gen. 49:10; 1 Chron. 2:3—4:43). "The lion that is from the
tribe of Judah" is the Lamb (5:5; cf. 6:16-17; Heb. 7:13-14).
The tribe of Dan is absent in this list perhaps because that tribe was the
first to establish idolatry in Israel (Judg. 18:30; cf. 1 Kings 12:29-30).
However the Danites will receive a portion of land in the Millennium
(Ezek. 48:1-2).
"Joseph" represents Ephraim (v. 8; cf. v. 6). Ephraim was also "notorious
for . . . fickleness and proclivity to idol worship."307 Ephraim was the head
of the Northern Kingdom of Israel that apostatized under King Jeroboam
I's leadership. Ephraim will also be in the millennial kingdom (Ezek.
48:5). Perhaps Ephraim's name does not appear in this list, though he is
included in the reference to Joseph, to avoid the unpleasant connotations
of his name.308
The listing of Manasseh's name (v. 6) is unusual since his father Joseph's
name also appears. Perhaps this honors Manasseh's faithfulness in contrast
to Ephraim's unfaithfulness.” – Dr. Constable

The list below comprise the twelve tribes of Israel that John mentions in Chapter 7. The Jewish individuals from these tribes will be called to evangelize during this tribulation time period. Note the meaning associated with their names.

1. Judah
= "I will praise the Lord"
2. Reuben
= "He has looked on me"
3. Gad
= "Granted good fortune"
4. Asher
= "Happy am I"
5. Naphtali
= "My wrestling"
6. Manasseh
= "Making me to forget"
7. Simeon
= "God hears me"
8. Levi
= "Joined to me"
9. Issachar
= "Purchased Me"
10. Zebulun
= "Dwelling"
11. Joseph
= "God will add to me"
12. Benjamin
= "Son of His right hand"

Now notice what happens when the meaning of the names are combined, in the same order, into a paragraph:
"I will praise the Lord for He has looked on me and granted good fortune. Happy am I because my wrestling God is making me to forget. God hears me and is joined to me. He has purchased me a dwelling. God will add to me the Son of His right hand." (The words in italics are supplied to complete each thought.) 

As mentioned above, the omission of the tribe of Dan is interesting. We find the verse below in Genesis, the first book of the Bible, specifically about the tribe of Dan. This is facinating because at the time it was written, there did not exist ANY tribes of Israel, nor was Israel even a people, or a nation let alone the tribe of Dan. 
"Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward." (Gen 49:17) 
 Some believe the above verse supports the idea the anti-christ could potentially come from the tribe of Dan.  
Finally, we see the fruits of the 144,000. Many will listen and be convinced that Jesus Christ is lord, and will turn to Him for salvation.

A number of distinctions can be made between the 144,000 and the great multitude in chapter 7. The following table does this.

The 144,000 and the Great Multitude Compared
The 144,000
The Great Multitude
How many are there?
144,000 (literal/symbolic?)
No one could number
Where are they from?
12 spiritual tribes of Israel
Every nation, tribe and people
When are they sealed?
Before the seven trumpets
During the seven trumpets
Are they part of Babylon?
No, they are virgins
Yes, but they come out of it
What part of the harvest?
First fruits
General harvest
What is their connection
to the 3 angel's messages?
Give the messages
Hear and obey messages

Question answered:

In Rev 5:2 the question is asked "who is worthy to open the book?" We learn that Jesus was "found worthy" (Rev 5:4) to open the book. Then in chapter 6, as Jesus opens the seals of this important book, the section ends with the question (Rev 6:17), "in light of these events ...
... who shall be able to stand?
... who will be able to make it through?
    or, perhaps even,
... who will still be alive at the Second Coming?
The answer is given in chapter 7 - the 144,000 will be able to stand. There is no doubt, in the book of Revelation, that this will be a special and unique group. They evidently do a phenomenal job of witnessing, that the multitude that John writes about, cannot be numbered. Currently there are roughly 25,000 full time missionaries world wide...most would say that through radio, TV, and the missionaries themselves, the Gospel is reaching numbers unimaginable to those in the first century. However, the success that these 144,000 evidently achieve, will far outshine anything that planet earth has seen in terms of the number of converts during a time period turning to Jesus Christ. Despite all of the calamities upcoming, and the brutal deaths most of the multitude in this chapter experienced, God again wins. 

Again the number 7, as discussed earlier, is a number of perfection in the Bible. I do not believe it is a coincidence that we see a powerful reminder that no matter the circumstance, God is in complete control. Chapter 7 is a welcome respite, from chapter 6, and chapters to follow.  It is almost like the eye of a hurricane where everything is serene and peaceful, and even at times sunny. Yet, all around the eye of tranquility, swirling winds of destruction seek to reek havoc.

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