Monday, May 13, 2013

Chapters 13 and 14

Question 1:  The below are the lyrics from the song by Iron Maiden, 'The Number of the Beast' Read Chapter 13 and then read the lyrics to the song...what immediately comes to mind after reading chapter 13 and the lyrics to this song back to back?

The Number Of The Beast (Iron Maiden)

"Woe to you, Oh Earth and Sea, for the Devil sends the
beast with wrath, because he knows the time is short...
Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the
beast for it is a human number, its number is Six hundred and
sixty six."

I left alone my mind was blank
I needed time to think to get the memories from my mind

What did I see can I believe that what I saw
that night was real and not just fantasy

Just what I saw in my old dreams were they
reflections of my warped mind staring back at me

'Cos in my dream it's always there the evil face that twists my mind
and brings me to despair

The night was black was no use holding back
'Cos I just had to see was someone watching me
In the mist dark figures move and twist
Was this all for real or some kind of hell
666 the number of the beast
Hell and fire was spawned to be released

Torches blazed and sacred chants were praised
As they start to cry hands held to the sky
In the night the fires burning bright
The ritual has begun Satan's work is done
666 the number of the beast
Sacrifice is going on tonight

This can't go on I must inform the law
Can this still be real or just some crazy dream
But I feel drawn towards the evil chanting hordes
They seem to mesmerise me ... can't avoid their eyes
666 the number of the beast
666 the one for you and me

I'm coming back I will return
And I'll possess your body and I'll make you burn
I have the fire I have the force
I have the power to make my evil take it's course"

Question2: The beast in chapter 13 is described as resembling a leopard, feel like a bear, and the mouth of a lion. In the Old Testament, specifically in the book of Daniel, these animals are associated with what world powers?
Answers: Leopard = Greece ; Bear = Media/Persia; Lion = Babylon - Read Daniel Chapter 7 for more insight.

Questions3:  Where does the beast get the authority to wage war again God and His people?
Answers: Dragon (Satan)

Question4: What is the Lamb's book of life?
Answers: Names of all those who put there trust and faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ

Question5: Who is the second beast? Where does he come from?
Answers: False Prophet, likely a religious leader who is well known in the world.

Question6: The mark of the beast, 666, will that be literal, or is it a riddle for those that live during the time of the beast to solve?
Answers: The mark will be a literal mark upon a person allowing them to buy, sell during the tribulation, but will also seal an individual's fate to the lake of fire. It is likely that during the time when the antichrist comes to power, believers will be able to use John's message of having wisdom in regard to the number of the beast, 666, to identify the antichrist.

Question7: Who are these 144,000?
Answers: All who faithfully put their faith in Christ, instead of the antichrist.

Question8:  What are the three angels communicating?
Answers: That God created all things, to not follow the antichrist, and that judgement is inevitable.

Question9: What do verses 14-17 of Chapter 14 describe?
Answers: Jesus harvesting those who know Him, and those who do not.

Questions10: How easy do you think it will to be deceived by the beast?
Answers: The antichrist will fake a resurrection. It will be so astonishing that those who end up following the antichrist will essentially be able to say, what has Jesus done, that the antichrist has not will be a very effective counterfeit, the antichrist will appear to have all the credentials, but will in fact be the greatest lie known to mankind.

More Commentary on Chapters 13 and 14

Below is an outline of the central characters in Chapters 13 and 14

Revelation chapter 13
Revelation chapter 14
The Dragon (Satan)
God the Father
The Sea Beast (The Roman Kingdom/Roman Ruler)
The Lamb-Christ the King
The false prophet Land Beast (Leader of False Church) who serves the Sea Beast and Satan
Angel/messengers (true prophets who serve the Lamb)
Apostate followers of the Beast marked by the number of the Beast
Immaculate followers of Christ sealed with the names of the Father and the Son

In chapter 13 we are introduced to the antichrist, the false prophet and the mastermind behind it all, the dragon who is satan. John identifies that the antichrist will come from the sea. In ancient times anything that came from the sea was thought to be a danger. In the Mel Gibson move Apocalypto, the Mayan people see a Spanish Galleon ship on the horizon coming toward shore, and the audience gets the feeling that this ultimately will not bode well for the Mayans...which history verified. The antichrist is by definition 'against Christ'. The book of Daniel states that this 'little horn' will say blasphemous things pertaining to God, Jesus and even Heaven itself, essentially saying that Jesus was a fraud, and that the antichrist is the true god. Unfortunately he will be able to perform many authentic signs and wonders so that many will be duped into believing the lie that the antichrist is the most powerful, and that Jesus is a myth. The antichrist will be an individual, but will also represent a revived Roman Empire that will do what no empire has done since the Roman empire that ruled during the time of Christ, rule the entire planet. This revived Roman empire will be a confederacy of 10 nations that ultimately have final say on the economic conditions for all of planet earth. The penultimate moment is the fake resurrection of the antichrist. It will appear to the entire world that the antichrist receives a death blow. Yet, the antichrist will be 'resurrected' in appearance to everyone, and because of that will be able to boast that the antichrist has accomplished everything that Jesus Christ did, including the resurrection. However, we read that the dragon (satan) will inhabit the antichrist after this resurrection and will have complete autonomy to make war against those who believe in Jesus Christ, and against God Himself. God will allow satan complete control. At the final judgement, satan will not be able to argue that 'if he was allowed to rule', that he could of ushered in peace, love and a utopian society. His short rule will prove him to be the 'father of lies' that Jesus named in the Gospels. Satan it is said in the New Testament has only one desire, 'to steal, kill and destroy'. This will be unfortunately on full display for all of planet earth.

Yet, the antichrist will not be alone. He will have a helper, the false prophet. John specifically mentions that he will come from the land. He will be someone that everyone in the world is aware of, and in facts admires and trusts. Likely a religious leader. Much like John the Baptist, this false prophet will connect this Revived Roman ruler (antichrist) to religion. The false prophet will also be able to perform authentic signs and wonders, and will cause many to follow the 'beast' and take his mark. The false prophet will be able to call fire from the sky, similar to what the real prophet Elijah did during his ministry. This is important because the Jewish people believe to this day, the Elijah the prophet will come in advance of the messiah. Satan will exploit this hope of the Jewish people, and the false prophet will identify himself as the prophet Elijah. Evidently the false prophets credentials will be such that the entire planet will take him at his word.

These three (dragon, antichrist and the false prophet) will use their authority to cause everyone to take a literal mark/tattoo on their person, or not be able to buy or sell. Essentially forcing grave economic consequences for those who do not worship the beast. In our present day it is plausible that with the dangers of identity theft, the need to buy and sell everywhere (global market), and to account for transactions that terrorists might make, the case for having everyone have an individual mark to buy and sell makes common sense. However, for those that do not accept the mark, and refuse they will not be able to participate in the global economy, and those that put their faith in Christ will suffer death. John tells those that are alive and believe in Christ, at this time to not be afraid to die. To die is to be with Christ, to remain is to suffer at the hands of satan.

John tells the reader to be aware of the number of the beast 666. Many, many scholars throughout history have tried to identify a person using John's directive. Yet, I do not believe that it will make sense, until that individual steps on the scene. There are many interesting parallels involving this number, 666, with known individuals. Hitler, Stalin, etc...but I think it will be someone more like a Nelson Mandela, (see his cell number) and link below

who the world loves and trusts, that will ultimately turn out to be the antichrist. By the way I am not saying that Mandela is the antichrist, but his cell number is more plausible then say someone pointing to Obama, or the Royal family of England. Still, I think this mystery will only be solved when the time is right...hopefully the rapture of the church occurs before this and we don't have to worry about this enigma. 

One key is that those who take the mark of the beast have no option of Heaven. Once the mark is accepted by an individual that person's fate is sealed absolutely. That is one of the warning of the three angels found in Chapter 14.

Chapter 14 reemphasizes that ultimately despite appearances on the earth during the time of the antichrist...Jesus Christ is Lord, and salvation is found in Him, and Him only. We see those who are victorious in that they followed Jesus, even through death. They did not accept the mark of the beast, and as it says in 14 “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on." Real safety, both economic and otherwise is found only in a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. Chapter 14 is written to help believers understand that Jesus is not only in control, but will judge the world and the antichrist.

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