Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Chapter 12

Housecleaning:  Talk about fun night for whole group!


Questions for discussion chapter 12:

1.  Do you think events in the chapter are past, present or future?

2.  Who is the woman? 

3. It says that Satan lost his place in Heaven, what place do you think he had?

4. Why don't pastors use this chapter when talking about the Christmas story?

5. What is literal, what is allegory in this chapter?

6. What is easy to understand in this chapter, what is hard to understand? 

7. What message of hope is John trying to communicate to believers in this chapter?

Monday, April 15, 2013

Chapter 11

Tuesday Night Revelation Bible Study
Housecleaning:  Pray for our country, and those specifically in Boston affected by today's horrific acts of terror.


Questions for discussion chapter 11: 

1.  Who are the two witnesses?

2.  What do the two witnesses prophesy about? 

3. What is significant about 1,260 days?

4. Why does the whole earth celebrate their deaths at the hands of the antichrist?

5. Isn't verse 15 already a reality?

6. Who do the elders blame for 'destroying the earth'? 

7. What is the Ark of the Covenant?

Monday, April 1, 2013

Chapter 10

Tuesday Night Revelation Bible Study


Housecleaning:  Second week of April we will plan on another guy's night. Think about good night that might work for you...also we will talk about Men's retreat coming up in April.


Questions for discussion chapter 10: 

1.  Who is described in the opening verses of chapter 10?

2. Why do you think John was not allowed to write down what the seven thunders uttered? 

3. The angel promises no more delay, what do you think this means?

4. Why is John forced to take the scroll from the angel?

5. Does John really eat the scroll?

6. How many peoples, nations, kingdoms has the book of Revelation reached? 

7. Why is it sweet to know the things of God, and yet it still can be hard to stomach?